Now if you are alone, there would be times when you would feel like telling somebody about the incident you had with the taxi, or maybe that li'l accident you faced in the restaurant.
There is that time when you just wanted to be hugged, a time when you needed somebody to appreciate the work that you do, even if its for your own self. Just a simple nod, a pat in the back, a simple smile; the ingredients 0f human existence.
I don't know bout a lot of you guys, but a simple hug do make a big difference for me.
Are you lonely tonight, are you feeling alone despite being in a big crowd, or just plain nostalgic?
Just remember there's always someone who's ready to give you a hug. A simple one, just to know that we are humans. That we are nothing like the wolves and lions we seem to be; but rather a group of people who care for one another.
So here's a BIG hug from me .....!